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The great explorers: the European discovery of America
Oxford University Press
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Table of Contents
From the Book
English ships and seamen 1490-1600
John Cabot's voyages 1497-1798
Voyages to the Labrador and Newfoundland 1500-1536
The French maritime background 1453-1590
The voyages of Verrazzano 1524-1528
Cartier's first voyage 1534
Cartier's second voyage 1535-1536
The search for Saguenay 1538-1543
Queen Elizabeth and her master mariners
Frobisher's second and third voyages 1577-1578
The northern voyages of John Davis 1585-1587
Christopher Columbus
His "enterprise of the Indies"
Columbus's first voyage of discovery, August-October 1492
The greater Antilles, 12 October 1492-15 March 1493
Triumph and tragedy, March 1493-April 1494
Jamaica, Cuba, and rebellion, 1494-1496
Third voyage, mainland discovered, 1498-1500
The mariner's day
Columbus's fourth voyage, 1502-1504
Ferdinand Magellan
Armada de Molucca, 1517-1519
Magellan's voyage to the strait, 1519-1520
"The strait that shall forever bear his name," October-November 1520
Across the Pacific
Philippines and Spice Islands
Homeward bound, 1522
Drake's voyage of circumnavigation, 1577-1579
Drake in California, 1579
English ships and seamen 1490-1600. Design, build, and rigging ; Getting under way ; Food, cooking, and clothing ; The sailor, his wages and division of labor ; Ballast and bilgewater ; Navigation ; Shipboard religion ; Weapons, sweeps, and anchors
John Cabot's voyages 1497-1798. Who was John Cabot? ; Bristol and the Transatlantic Passage ; The landfall ; June 1497 ; The coastal voyage ; His homeward passage ; Cabot's second voyage
Voyages to the Labrador and Newfoundland 1500-1536. Joao Fernandes, Lavrador ; Gaspar and Miguel Corte Real ; The Anglo-Azorean syndicate and Sebastian Cabot ; Fishermen and Newfoundland cartography, 1502-1524 ; Joao Alvares Fagundes ; Robert Thorne's letter and John Rut's voyage ; Master Hore's tourist cruise
The French maritime background 1453-1590. Emerging Normandy ; Brittany ; La Rochelle ; Bordeaux and the Gironde ; Shipbuilding ; Inauguration of the Grand Bank fishery
The voyages of Verrazzano 1524-1528. Francois-premier and the search for a northern strait ; Giovanni da Verrazzano, gentleman explorer ; From Deserta to the "Isthmus" ; Et in Arcadia Ego ; Angouleme and Refugio ; Maine, "land of bad people" ; End of the voyage, and Giovanni
Cartier's first voyage 1534. Le maitre-pilote Jacques Cartier ; Cartier's first voyage gets under way ; South shore of the Labrador ; West coast of Newfoundland ; Brion, Magdalen, and Prince Edward Islands ; Gaspe ; Anticosti and home
Cartier's second voyage 1535-1536. To sea with royal and Episcopal blessing ; Retracing first voyage ; Le Chemyn de Canada ; Stadacone-Quebec ; Hochelaga ; First winter in Canada
The search for Saguenay 1538-1543. Preparations for Cartier's third voyage ; Roberval and diplomatic snooping ; Cartier's third voyage ; Cartier meets Roberval and goes home ; The valiant demoiselle ; France-Roy and search for Saguenay
Queen Elizabeth and her master mariners. Gloriana ; Enter Gilbert and Frobisher ; Martin Frobisher's first voyage, 1576
Frobisher's second and third voyages 1577-1578. Second voyage begins ; Frobisher Bay again ; Conclusion of second voyage ; Third voyage ; The "Mistaken Straits" ; A summer's ore-gathering ; Homeward bound ; Conclusion
The northern voyages of John Davis 1585-1587. John Davis, master mariner ; First voyage, 1585 ; Second voyage 1586 ; Third voyage, 1587
Christopher Columbus. The African background ; Enter Columbus ; Early years at sea
His "enterprise of the Indies." Columbus's great idea ; Dealing with princes ; Isabella takes him on ; Preparations for first voyage
Columbus's first voyage of discovery, August-October 1492. Columbus the man ; From Palos to San Salvador
The Greater Antilles, 12 October 1492-15 March 1493. South to Cuba ; Hispaniola ; Homeward passage
Triumph and tragedy, March 1493-April 1494. Hour of triumph ; Columbus's second voyage ; From Dominica to Navidad ; Evil days at Isabela
Jamaica, Cuba, and rebellion, 1494-1496. Jamaica and the south coast of Cuba ; Hispaniola and home
Third voyage, mainland discovered, 1498-1500. Preparations ; Third voyage, to Trinidad ; First continental landing ; An "other world" ; Home in chains ; Bibliographical note
The mariner's day. Time and watches ; Ritual and religion ; Food and drink ; Navigation ; End of a day at sea
Columbus's fourth voyage, 1502-1504. The "high voyage" ; Santa Maria de Belen ; Marooned in Jamaica ; Death of the admiral
Ferdinand Magellan
Armada de Molucca, 1517-1519. Preparations ; Ships and crews ; Under way
Magellan's voyage to the strait, 1519-1520. From Sanlucar to the River Plate ; The coast of Patagonia
"The strait that shall forever bear his name," October-November 1520. Strait discovered ; From Cape Virgins to Cape Pillar
Across the Pacific. North from Cape Pillar ; Las Islas Infortunatas ; Starvation at sea, relief at Guam ; From Samar to Cebu ; Battle of Mactan and death of Magellan
Philippines and Spice Islands. Massacre at Cebu ; Throu
gh the Philippines to the spiceries
Homeward bound, 1522. Trinidad's fatal attempt ; Victoria's voyage home
Drake's voyage of circumnavigation, 1577-1579. From Plymouth to Puerto San Julian ; Through the Strait to furthest south ; The buccaneering phase ; Bibliographic note
Drake in California, 1579. Nova Albion ; The good bay of Nova Albion ; The plate of brass, or was it lead? ; Voyage home
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